
Zhifeng Hong

Work hard, Live happy

About Me

Hello, my name is Zhifeng Hong(洪志峰), an undergraduate student from Northwestern Polytechnical University, major in software engineering. I joined the NPU Soccer Robot Team in Feb 2020. Then I became a member of the V5++ Project Group (an team focused on simulating 5 vs 5 and 11 vs 11 soccer competition, RoboMaster University AI Challenge and UAV competition) and the Computer Vision Technical Group of the base.

I’m applying for a postgraduate program (2022-2023 entry) or a research internship.

You can contact me through my email: hongzhifeng@mail.nwpu.edu.cn

About My Team

1. Structure

The structure of our NPU Soccer Robot Team(circled is my group):


2. Informations

About our NPU Soccer Robot Team(mainly in Chinese):

About our V5++ Project Group(mainly in Chinese):

About our Computer Vision technical group(mainly in Chinese):

For more about me, please see: